Versions of the CSNAT (the tool itself) and materials related to CSNAT-I have been translated into 19 different languages. In some languages, only the CSNAT has been translated for use as a research tool. In others, the translation was completed in order to use CSNAT-I as a practice intervention and so the related materials have also been translated.
Available Translations
Language of translation | CSNAT version | Support Plan version | CSNAT Intervention overview guidance version |
Where we do not have translated versions of the CSNAT (the tool itself) and CSNAT-I Support Plan, we welcome requests to translate both documents. Download a copy of the Translation Process which sets out the procedures to be followed. As the CSNAT (v3.0) is a copyright tool, a licence is required for translation
The essential translated materials for practice use are:
- The CSNAT v3.0 (the tool itself)
- CSNAT-I Support Plan (v3.0)
Desirable translated materials for practice use:
- The CSNAT Intervention Overview
- CSNAT-I Implementation Plan (guidance and blank template)
- The CSNAT licence summary for users
Please refer to the Table of translated materials above to check if these materials are already translated. If not, you can apply for a translation licence in the Licensing section.
If the CSNAT-I materials are already translated:
- Go to the Licensing section for information on training and the licence required to use CSNAT-I in practice.
If the CSNAT (the tool itself) has already been translated:
- Go to the Licensing section for information on training and licence required to use the CSNAT in a research study.
If not:
- You can apply for a Translation licence in the Licensing section.